by Charles Ying

Archive for the ‘Portfolio’ Category

Goodbye To You

Friday, November 7th, 2003


Most people don’t know that I’m an avid Buffy fan. This drawing is from one of the first episodes I ever saw, Tabula Rasa. The Willow character has been suffering from an addiction to magic, so much that it drives her lover, Tara, away. I gave Willow a more neutral expression than in the episode, to suggest her dulled senses caused by her addiction.

Willow’s framed much smaller in the actual episode, which I prefer, but unfortunately my sketchbook was not large enough to capture both Willow and the surrounding frame. You can get a similar frame when viewing this as desktop wallpaper, where the white borders extend to the edge.

This pencil study is from my trusty sketchbook (now getting quite full actually), 5″ x 5″. My pencil isn’t very dark, so Photoshop was used to darken and accent a few highlights.

Lost In Translation

Friday, October 3rd, 2003


Welcome to New Tokyo International Airport, Narita.

Viewing the trailer for Lost In Translation brought back so many memories of my trip to Tokyo two and three years ago. This movie captures the mixed-up dazed, confused feelings I had while lost in Tokyo, without knowing anyone, or the language. And at the same time, experiencing the exhilaration and thrill of exploring and adventuring through the neverending depths of Tokyo.

Anyway, it moved me enought to draw this portrait of Scarlett Johansson. Pencil on sketchpad, color correction in Photoshop.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.


Monday, September 15th, 2003


Not wanting to leave things unfinished, I took some time this weekend to fix up the hair and other bits from this drawing. I filled some of the darker regions, too, to give good contrast. The version posted here isn’t filtered, as to not hide the detail.