by Charles Ying

Regarding Safari 4 Multi-Touch UI and Netbooks

March 9th, 2009

iPhone Safari and Safari 4 comparison

Something is odd about Safari 4’s user interface. Daring Fireball summarized many of the concerns around the tabs layout.

But I think Apple’s designers had a secret design criteria for Safari 4: Multi-Touch.

Apple is known for their minimialism and attention to detail. And a few things about the Safari 4 interface only make sense with this new criteria:

  • A Moved Close Tab – Close Tab buttons now sit on top of the address and search bars – and further away from the bookmarks bar. Accidental touches will only activate the address or search bars, instead of activating a bookmark.
  • A Modified Reload – Reload now matches iPhone’s Reload. Visually, this is a much harder thing to mouse click with, but makes perfect sense to someone familiar with a multi-touch interface.
  • A New New Tab – Safari has gained a button. New Tab. Why? Well, there used to be no way to get a new tab opened without a keyboard or menu (we use ऎ-T), also the reason why iPhone added a button here.
  • A New New Bookmark – Minimalists adding another button? Why? Again, same reason here. No way to add a new bookmark without a keyboard or menu.

I’m guessing that multi-touch user interactions are more positionally accurate (which is why Safari 4’s reduced hit area for “drag window around” works in a multi-touch scenario) due to direct user manipulation. That might explain some of the slight inconveniences Apple is making to pursue a unified multi-touch but full computing interface.

I don’t know if Apple’s Netbook will run full Mac OS X, but I’m pretty sure that Safari 4’s user interface will at least be consistent:

Multi-Touch Netbook

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36 Responses to “Regarding Safari 4 Multi-Touch UI and Netbooks”

  1. Why I Think Apple’s Touchscreen Netbook Is Real Says:

    […] of this device are found in the user interface on the recently released Safari 4.0 Beta. Charles Ying, who develops for WebKit, notes on his blog the similarities between Safari 4.0 and the iPhone Safari browser. I’m guessing that multi-touch […]

  2. Browser Security News » Blog Archive » Would Safari 4’s Tab Interface Be Good for Touch Screens? Says:

    […] Read More…Source: Daring Fireball […]

  3. Cowboy Bob Says:


  4. Justin Says:

    I think that’s really grasping. I can’t see anything there that can’t be explained either by simply improving the interface for mouse use and bringing a more consistent style.

  5. Charles Ying Says:

    @Justin – I understand your reasons. It just seems very odd to see the Reload button become a harder mouse target. It works for iPhone’s UI, but IMO, far less intuitive to a novice mouse user to find Safari 4’s Reload button.

  6. NRocco Says:

    A little off topic but the new Safari 4 Beta tabbar is an agony for tablet users. I’m on a Wacom Tablet and 80% of the time I move my pen slightly while clicking on a tab, which moves the whole window instead of selecting the ‘clicked’ tab.

    And when I tap twice a little to fast, the whole thing minimizes to the dock. Agony I tell you.

  7. andre Says:

    NRocco, its a beta so please file bug/feature reports. I’ve done for many of this inconveniences like to minimize a window you double click the title bar but it will also select the tab you double clicked before minimizing.

  8. Technology news for 2009-03-10 | Technology News Says:

    […] Posted an item felix: Would Safari 4’s Tab Interface Be Good for Touch Screens? (via Google Reader) […]

  9. Richard Says:

    I think that the tablet is much more likely to use the iPhone UI than the Mac UI paradigm. Apple understand that mobile device requirements are different from desktop requirements (see Windows Mobile’s UI for endless examples why), and that’s why MobileSafari, while still using WebKit, is a separate app from Safari.

    You’ve made some interesting points, but I think it’s more a question of Safari 4 simply borrowing from MobileSafari’s UI for the sake of aesthetic unification rather than any indication that Apple are moving the Mac OS UI towards multitouch.

    I think it’s far more likely for the iPhone platform to replace the desktop, than for desktop to adopt complete multitouch functionality. If you want a glimpse of the future, it’s one where computers are replaced entirely by mobile devices (ie. iPhone platform) and we only sit down to the big machines when we need to do specific, more intensive tasks (eg. authoring — writing, drawing, recording, video).

    Think of a bigger iPhone tablet-type device with more comprehensive apps (than are available currently on the iPhone), rather than the current Mac OS that you can touch.

  10. » Safari 4’s UI vs multitouch Says:

    […] already stated all that is oh-so-wrong about Safari 4 beta. But what if the UI was designed with multitouch kept in mind? Clever thinking! (via) Spread the […]

  11. Why I Think Apple’s Touchscreen Netbook Is Real | Telecom Update Says:

    […] of this device are found in the user interface on the recently released Safari 4.0 Beta. Charles Ying, who develops for WebKit, notes on his blog the similarities between Safari 4.0 and the iPhone Safari browser. I’m guessing that multi-touch […]

  12. William Says:

    To me it indicates a possible addition of tabs in a redesigned Mac OS finder environment not so much for multi-touch. But an interesting idea.

  13. Valentijn Says:

    I immediately thought of a touch interface when I saw Safari 4. That explains the silly coverflow history and the ‘Top sites’ view. Those make it easier to navigate on a touch screen.

  14. SonOfA Says:

    I think you are all wrong and this is just Apple’s way of priming us to get ready for their multi-touch devices. They are teaching us, if you will, how to use the OS X touch through means of familiarizing you on the desktop so when you get your multi-touch laptop, netbook, iPhone, iPod touch, it’s not so much of a shock. Remember the work they did in the final versions of OS 9, making the folder structure similar to the upcoming OS X, in order to prime you for it.

  15. at9t Says:

    It’s such a great improvement.

  16. Roberto Mateu / All your screens belong to the browser Says:

    […] Safari 4 beta got some people talking about how some it features would make a perfect fit (or not) for a touch device. The features in question are Top Sites (basically Apple’s […]

  17. Free Gadget Says:

    Great reading, thank you

  18. Khim Says:

    i like the design of Safari 4 but i think it uses more resources compared to Opera.

  19. Sunmi Says:

    i really love the layout of Safari 4. the graphics of this browser looks much better than firefox.

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    […] 4.0 Beta的界面也提供了一些线索指向该产品。WebKit研发人员Charles Ying在他的博客上总结了Safari 4.0和iPhone Safari浏览器的相似性。 […]

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